Karnataka’s Ramanagara assembly seat is also considered very special because from this Ramanagara assembly seat, Karnataka has got two veteran Chief Ministers HD Deve Gowda and HD Kumaraswamy. Now Nikhil Kumaraswamy, grandson of former state Chief Minister HD Deve Gowda, is contesting from here. Iqbal Hussain of Congress and Gautam Gowda of BJP are in the fray against Nikhil Kumar Swamy. The seat has been a JD-S stronghold for more than two decades. The trends of Ramnagar seat have started coming. Nikhil is trailing in the early trends.
Ramnagar seat has a total of 205,031 voters. Of these, the number of male voters is 102,027 and the number of female voters is 102,979. The number of transgender voters in this seat is 25. HD Kumaraswamy won this seat in the 2018 assembly elections. He got 92,626 votes on this seat. Kumaraswamy won the seat by a margin of 22,636 votes. He defeated Iqbal Hussain of Congress. Hussain got 69,990 votes on this seat. BJP candidate Lilavati stood third on this seat. He got 4871 votes.
“Polling in all 224 assembly constituencies of Karnataka was largely peaceful with no signs of re-polling in any of the 58,545 polling stations,” the Election Commission said on Wednesday night. Karnataka recorded a voter turnout of 72.36 percent in the 2018 assembly elections. That election resulted in a hung assembly, with the BJP emerging as the single largest party with 104 seats, but falling short of the majority mark.